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16 Aug 2017

Drama As Kra And Police Raid AfriCOG Offices In Lavington,Nairobi

Human rights activists and lawyers on Wednesday blocked Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) officials and police officers from accessing the premises of Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG) in Lavington.

The KRA officials accompanied by police officers arrived at AfriCOG office with a search warrant to conduct a search on the premise.

But they were denied entry into the office on account that their search warrant is not addressed to AfriCOG or its executive director Gladwell Otieno.

The lawyers also argued that the search warrant is not signed by a magistrate.

This comes a day after the NGO's Co-ordination Board boss Fazul Mahamed wrote to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) asking it to shut down AfriCOG and arrest the directors for allegedly operating illegally.

In the letter addressed to Director of Criminal Investigations Ndegwa Muhoro, Mr Mahamed alleged that AfriCOG “is not registered under the NGOs Coordination Act 1990 as required by law.
More to follow
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