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18 Aug 2017

Governor Amason Kingi Revenges Against Uhuru Kenyatta,See This.

It was an election like no other in the history of democracy in Kenya, with heavy losses reported against individual politicians and parties in most parts of the country.

The National Super Alliance (NASA) remains the biggest casualty in the elections though, what with losing in the all-important presidential race as well as getting fewer Members of Parliament and Senators in the next Parliament. JP also managed to win more gubernatorial seats.

Jubilee put up an elaborate campaign and managed to make significant improvements in areas that were perceived to be Opposition strongholds and also wining several seats there too.

Numbers show that all the five Nasa principals failed spectacularly in delivering in their strongholds as was expected despite putting up a spirited fight against the ruling Jubilee Party.

That said, one Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Governor however stands out among his peers, he braced the Jubilee growing heat at the Coast and made sure his county is painted in Raila Odinga’s favourite colour: orange.

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi did for Nasa and its leader Raila Odinga what no other county boss was able to do in the Coast or most parts of the country.

He turned humiliation by Uhuru Kenyatta during the Head of State’s endless visits to the Coast, into victory, making sure that ODM turned out the victor by scooping all the 27 MCA seats.

Not just that but the never loud but tactical politician, all ensured that all the seven parliamentary seats in his county went to the Orange party.

And the icing on the cake was Raila scooping a whopping 273,852 votes compared to Uhuru Kenyatta’s paltry 49,293 votes.

Kingi rewarded himself by garnering 213,708 votes compared to the Jubilee-backed Gideon Mung’aro’s 55,213 votes.

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