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17 Aug 2017

Jubilee Governor-Elect Gone Missing A Day To His Sweaing-In

Governor-elect Martin Wambora has been accused by his rival, outgoing Senator Lenny Kivuti, of closing the County offices to avoid receiving court papers challenging his win.

Embu Governor Martin Wambora Has Gone Missing - Lenny Kivuti Reveals

Wambora, who was defending his seat on a Jubilee ticket, has been accused of going missing to avoid being served with the petition papers a day before his planned swearing in.

On Tuesday, Embu resident judge Florence Muchemi had directed Kivuti's lawyers to serve the papers to the governor on Wednesday in readiness for the hearing that is set for Thursday.
Kivuti's team has accused Wambora of frustrating the petition as his office and that of County Secretary Wilson Gitonga remained closed.

The Embu Senator had moved to court to bar the gazettement of Wambora's win and to have the swearing in ceremony postponed until the case is heard.

The Judge declined his request and directed him to file his complaint before an election court.
Wambora was declared the winner of the gubernatorial race garnering 97,544 votes against Kivuti's 96,597 votes.

The Embu Governor is scheduled to be sworn in on Friday, 18th August at Embu stadium.
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