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19 Sept 2017

6 Good Reasons Why You Need To Unfriend Your Ex On Facebook

Reasons to unfriend your ex on facebook

Most of us believe that holding on makes us strong. However, the reality is that letting go does more good than harm. Letting go helps us to live in a peaceful state of mind. It helps to restore our balance. Furthermore, it allows us to take our hands of situations that do not belong to us.

It is never easy to unfriend an ex on Facebook or unfollows them on Twitter. The truth though is that the more we hold on, the more we deny ourselves the opportunity to see other open doors. It also makes us look desperate hence giving the other person the chance to manipulate our feelings.

As though that isn’t enough, failure to unfriend or unfollow them makes it hard for us to heal emotionally. Still unconvinced about the benefits of unfriending your ex? Here are six genuine reasons why you need to unfriend your ex and stay away from social media stalking.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Anyone who has gone through heartbreak will agree that the last person you ever want to think about is your ex.  It’s always a struggle to keep your ex out of your mind after a breakup and this is why you should avoid staying “friends” with them. Seeing their happy holiday photos or their posts about how happy they are makes you envious and jealous since we all never wish our ex a happy life without us. Funny enough, you may be the last thing on the mind of the person who covers 90 percent of yours. Why don’t you invest your energy in better things?

It Kills the Urge to Contact Them
Contacting your ex makes you look desperate and makes them think that you can’t survive without them. I believe this is not a picture you want to paint of yourself.  By keeping them as friends on social media, you will frequently see their posts and they will always be in your mind. This will bring the urge to contact them which is something you should avoid at all costs.

It Helps You Recover Faster
Thinking about your ex makes the wounds of heartbreak fresh. This means you should do anything possible to keep them out of your mind. Stalking them on social media doesn’t make the situation any better, hence the need to gain courage and let go. You will feel it’s not right at first, but later you will realize how big a step you have taken towards recovery and moving on.

You Won’t Have the Urge to Stalk Them?
Imagine a friend randomly checking your browser history and finding your ex’s Facebook timeline as one of the recently visited pages. Not to mention the vows you made never to involve yourself with anything about him. I know it’s embarrassing.  It’s worse when it’s a mutual friend. This would mean that your ex could get to know about it. The next thing you are bound to hear is his friends calling you a stalker.

It’s The Best Way to Avoid Drama
Sometimes learning that your ex has moved on gets so much into your nerves that you may decide to confront them. This mainly happens in cases where you were so attached that you feel used and dumped. You may even feel like saying despicable things about their new flame and that’s where the drama begins. Again it all goes back to you avoiding sounding desperate.

Makes You Compare Less
It is not a good feeling you have when you realize your ex is doing better than you or better than they were when you were together.  One of the most obvious ways that you could get to know about this is through social media. To avoid the burden of envy or jealousy weighing you down, just unfriend them.

You can live your life angry, bitter, mad at somebody or even guilty, not letting go of your own mistakes, but this only makes your eyes clouded with tears that you are taking so long to wipe away. There is a brighter side of life that you can only see when your eyes aren’t clouded with tears. Be courageous enough to press that “unfriend” or “unfollow” button. It’s the first step in moving on.

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