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19 Sept 2017

Chaos As Jubilee Supporters Protest Outside Supreme Court [PHOTOS]

There was drama outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday morning as a group of Jubilee supporters demonstrated ahead of the release of the full verdict of the petition filed by NASA leader Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka.

The group of individuals were protesting over the Supreme Court decision that annulled President Uhuru Kenyatta's win.

Armed with placards labelled; Recount the Votes the protesters demanded a total recount of the votes instead of the repeat presidential election that has been set for October 17th.

They further voiced their concerns that the rule of law was violated and that the Supreme Court liaised with the National Super Alliance (NASA).

This comes on a day when damning revelations emerged alleging that two of the four Supreme Court Judges who nullified President Uhuru Kenyatta's win were in secret communication with NASA lawyers during the Presidential election petition hearing.

Derrick Malika Ngumu, who is the Executive Director of Angaza Empowerment Network, filed two petitions claiming Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ)Philomena Mwilu and Justice Isaac Lenaola were in contact with lawyers representing the petitioner, Raila Odinga, during the hearing of the case

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court led by Chief Justice David Maraga has announced that the full verdict explaining the decision to annul the August 8 presidential poll will be issued tomorrow at 10am.

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