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7 Sept 2017

Complete Madness! Meet The Prophet Who Is Kissed On His Feet By His Church Followers (PHOTOS)

Prophet Elvis Mbonye

Forget about the Kiuna’s, Uganda is also home to some of the richest pastors. Prophet Elvis Mbonye, who a runs 5,000-seater church in Uganda is the current talk of the town.
Mbonye, the founder of Zoe ministry, has shocked the online community after photos of his congregants kissing his feet surfaced online.

Known for his flashy lifestyle, Mbonye recently hosted a dinner event held at Kololo independence grounds that saw hundreds in attendance.

Just like the so called ‘cool’ pastors of our generation, Mbonye dressed in all white from head to toe, and he sat on a white and gold accented chair that many have compared to that of Queen Elizabeth.
This is not the first time the self-proclaimed Prophet, who reportedly owns mansions and a fleet of expensive machines and is valued at 650 million Ugandan shilling, is grabbing the headlines. He recently confessed that he had met with God.

“I Have Seen God And I Will Be Answerable To Him. I Do Not Get Into People’s Faces; They Come To Me…I’m Not A Pastor That I Should Frequently Be With The Sheep. As A Prophet, I Decree The Final Thing,” He Said.

Mbonye also revealed that he’s been to heaven and it looks absolutely glamorous and that’s why he is living such a flamboyant lifestyle here on earth. He wants to live the same lifestyle like God.

“Hell Is Stuffy, Poor, Sickly, And Degrading. I Have Been To Heaven And It Is A Glamorous Place With Streets Of Gold. All Attributes Of God Are Glamour And Beauty And I’m Of God, So I Will Unapologetically Be Always On The Side Of What Is Rich. I Have Heard Shallow Debates Where Politicians Defend Themselves For Being In Air-Conditioned Cars. You Want Me To Be In A Car Where I Sweat? “

Apparently, his followers kneel and kiss his feet as a sign of respect to their shepherd. But wait? Isn’t this the same as worshipping him?

Well, here are the bizarre photos of prophet Elvis Mbonye everyone is talking about

Prophet Elvis Mbonye

Prophet Elvis Mbonye

Prophet Elvis Mbonye

Check out reactions from social media
Oduor: Your Pastor’s Dream. Endelea kutoa mbegu. Prophet Elvis Mbonye, already living in heaven while most of his followers are in hell. 😢😢😢😢
Ruwa: Women are very easy to brainwash
Kenya West: Ugandan pastor living your favourite rapper’s lifestyle.
 Alpha: Oh boy .. religion and its so-called pastors! Is this nauseatic show of opulence paid for by a “victim” or “willing and able” congregation?
Jnr: I still don’t understand how he can fool all these people. Kwani anatibu ukedi AMA saratani?
Kobi: You are not Broke, you are just not a pastor yet
Otieno: But why?! Yani mpaka kissing his feet…😯😯
Agava: Mahali yesu yuko saa hii analia tu. This is the reason Jesus ain’t coming back

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