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16 Sept 2017

This Will Make You Weep! Horrifying Details About The Moi Girls Inferno Emerge

Moi Girls

On the 2nd of August, Kenyans woke up to the sad news of the Moi Girls fire. The fire razed a dormitory that houses form one students leaving 9 dead.

One of the students who Mary Njengo who was the heroine who risked it all to save her schoolmates lives succumbed to injuries that fateful day, while undergoing treatment at a local hospital. Many including her mother, Mrs Florence Agoto described her as an extraordinary child.

“She Is A Merciful And Kind Child And Since The Parents Of The Children She Saved Are Also Praying For Her, I Am Hopeful She Shall Be Well,” She Told The Media.

Yesterday, a funeral service for the departed nine souls was held at the school and Education PS Belio Kipsang, Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko, Senator Johson Sakaja, Woman Rep Esther Passaris, Deputy President’s wife Rachel Ruto were among those in attendance.

The school’s principal Mrs Jael Mureithi led the Moi Girls fraternity in mourning the late innocent ambitious young souls.

“This Is One Speech That No School Administrator Would Ever Wish To Give. It Is One Of The Assembly That No Teacher Would Want To Attend. But We Are Here,’ She Told Mourners.

The teary principal went ahead to narrate the horrific ordeal leaving those in attendance sobbing uncontrollably.

“We Braved The Darkest Hour Of The Night Not Thinking Of Our Nakedness. We All Rushed To Attend To The Cry Of Our Little Angels, But God’s Plans Are Not Our Plans,” Her Statement Left Many Heartbroken.

Adding that;

“We Tried To Get As Many Girls Out As We Could. And Our Expectation Had Been That We Had Gotten All The Girls Out. It Is Only After The Fire Had Died Down That We Discovered That We Had Lost Some.”

Mrs Mureithi revealed that this was a major blow to the school community adding that

“The Incident Has Shaken The Foundation Of The School And Shattered The Confidence And Lives Of The Students Left Behind.”

Kenyans have joined hands in mourning the departed souls and messages of condolences are still pouring in for the bereaved families. Education PS Belio Kipsang said the government will settle the funeral expenses, DNA testing and hospital bills.

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