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10 Oct 2017

Pokot Man Flees With Friend’s Head After Bizarre Killing

Police are looking for a man who beheaded his neighbour and fled with the head.

According to Pokot Central Sub-County Commissioner Geoffrey Kithinji, the suspect beheaded Dickson Lipul following an argument in a drinking den on Sunday evening.

On getting home, the suspect is said to have armed himself with a machete and stormed his victim’s house, where he hacked him to death before fleeing with the head still dripping with blood.

As he fled, the suspect is said to have stopped to show his bleeding trophy to the victim’s relatives, who were pursuing him.

“When he reached a nearby school, he stopped to show us the head. Our efforts to catch him were thwarted because he then dashed into the thickets,” said the victim’s brother, Michael Letiya.
According to Mr Letiya, the victim did not put up a fight because he was deep asleep when he was decapitated.

 “Both of them were coming from a drinking spree. They parted ways and went to their respective homes. What is puzzling us is why the suspect later stormed my brother’s home and killed him,” he said.

The incident has stunned the entire village.

“It has never happened in this village. I came to check on my brother and found his headless body lying on his bed. The blood was dripping onto the dusty floor,” said Letiya.
Residents say they now fear that their village is being stalked by evil spirits.

“We are in shock, wondering what spirit possessed the man to commit such an evil act. We are wondering what he is going to do with the head,” said Maurine Ngoleng’ura, a neighbour.
She said the suspect may have drank too much, adding that he did not have a history of violence.
“We are used to people shooting others but this one is too painful,” she added.

The sub-county commissioner said police were investigating the killing and a team of Kenya Police Reservists had been dispatched to look for the suspect and his victim’s head.
 “We are pursuing all leads; there are indications that he could have sought refuge at a relative's home,” said Mr Kithinji.

Neighbours said the body could not be buried before rituals were performed, including burning the suspect's house and evicting him from the village.
“We have no choice but to perform rituals to curse the man that did this. His house will also be burnt and a bull will be slaughtered for cleansing,” said Letiya.

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