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21 Nov 2017

Blow For NASA After Ruling On People’s Assemblies

Nasa principals Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka listen to a lawyer during proceedings at Supreme Court on August 28, 2017.

Hours after the Supreme Court upheld President Uhuru Kenyatta’s win, the High Court dealt a major blow to NASA after an important ruling on the coalition’s People’s Assemblies.

The High Court on Monday issued orders restraining all county assemblies from passing or implementing motions on the formation of the NASA-led People’s Assemblies.
Judge Lilian Mutende of the Kitui High Court issued the ruling pending determination of a case filed by a lobby group, Counties Development Group.
"An order is hereby issued restraining the 4th – 50th respondents and the members of the county assemblies from constituting a special college for the appointment of election members, delegations and observers of the People’s Assembly," the High Court order read in part.
playKakamega County Assembly in session when they passed a motion on formation of the people's assemblies. (Calistus Luchetu)

The case seeks to stop ward representatives from implementing motions tabled and moved before them for the appointment or election of members, delegations and observers to the people’s assemblies.
The ruling came just after the after the Kilifi County Assembly became the ninth county in the country to pass NASA's People's Assembly Motion after Busia, Siaya, Kakamega, Vihiga, Kisumu, Homa Bay, Migori and Makueni County Assemblies.
While announcing the formation of the People’s Assemblies last month, NASA leader Raila Odinga said the formation will be a broad based forum consisting of elected leaders and the leadership of other sectors of society in particular workers, civil society, religious leaders, women, youth and economic interest groups.
The assemblies, Nasa said, have a taskforce that will be charged with coming up with suggestions of how to change the Constitution including the structure of government and the elections regime.
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