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21 Nov 2017

Meet The Gorgeous Presenter Who Will Be Replacing Amina Abdi On K24 Alfajiri

By now, you may be aware that TV and radio personality Amina Abdi will be replacing Larry Madowo on The Trend. She is up to a huge task as Kenyans were so attached to Larry, despite their love-hate relationship with him.
Reliable sources tell us that while she leaves K24 Alfajiri, a sexy, sassy and experienced presenter will fill in her shoes. She’s non other than Serah Teshna, the popular host of The Skin Therapy Show on KTN.
Our sources continue telling us that Serah will assume the role on 1st Dec, but from her social media, she has not teased about the impending shift. In fact, she continues to promote the show on her Instagram page.

Here are some of the hottest pics of the TV presenter — and actress — who will be gracing your morning screens very soon.
serah teshna
serah teshna
serah tesh
serah teshna

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