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20 Nov 2017

Trouble For Jubilee As NASA Releases A Document To The Public That Will Leave The Whole Nation At A Stand Still

National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga has responded to the Supreme Court decision to uphold President Uhuru Kenyatta's win  The Opposition leader maintained his stance saying the Jubilee government is illegitimate despite the ruling He said the Supreme Court ruling was expected adding the decision was made under duress Chief Justice David Maraga dismissed three petitions seeking to nullify the October 26 election The National Super Alliance(NASA) Chief principal Raila Odinga has responded to the Supreme Court decision to uphold President Uhuru Kenyatta's win in the October 26, fresh presidential poll.

Raila maintained his earlier stance,and termed the Jubilee government 'illegitimate',even after the Supreme Court upheld President Uhuru Kenyatta's win on Monday,November 20 2017. In a statement seen by nairobimoja.co.ke,the opposition leader maintained that the Supreme Court's decision was made under duress,adding that it does not blame the court but sympathises with it.
“We do not condemn the Court; we sympathize with it, because it was a decision taken under duress.''read the statement in part. The statement held that NASA will not recognize the Supreme Court's verdict,which it termed as one which it expected.

''We in NASA had repeatedly declared before this Supreme Court ruling today (November 20) that we consider this government to be illegitimate and do not recognize it. This position has not been changed by the Court ruling.” As reported by nairobimoja.co.ke earlier,Chief Justice David Maraga and other Supreme Court judges unanimously dismissed the three petitions filed to challenge Uhuru's win. According to the Judges,petitions were not merited hence did not convince the court to nullify Uhuru's win for the second time. In conclusion ,the court ruled that the repeat election was legitimate and Uhuru was validly elected.

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