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15 Nov 2017

Wahome Gakuru Predicted His Own Death – New Details Emerge

Interesting details now reveal that the late Nyeri Governor Wahome Gakuru knew he would die in a road accident.

Making the revelations on Tuesday during memorial prayers held at the Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, the new county boss - Mutahi Kahiga - stated that the deceased Governor had more than once complained about his Mercedes Benz.

“He told me three or four times, my brother this car will one day kill me,” Kahiga said.
According to Mr. Kahiga Gakuru’s car was faulty and they had both agreed that he would not use while traveling outside the County.

He told congregants that he was shocked when he heard that Gakuru was involved in a road accident by the same Mercedes Benz he was always skeptical about.

“Up to today, I keep asking everybody who bothers to listen. How did Wahome Gakuru find himself in the Mercedes Benz outside Nyeri when we had agreed with him not to use it because it was faulty,” the new Nyeri Governor said.

Kahiga, who was sworn in on Monday after the untimely death of Mr. Gakuru, added that he had even given the deceased his car to use.

“I handed over my Mitsubishi Pajero to the governor [who], in some instances, used his personal cars. He thought mine was safer and faster,” he said.

Earlier police disclosed that the Governor car had a tyre burst which led to the fatal accident. However, his driver divulged that he was evading hitting bodaboda rider when he smashed through the guard rail.

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