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30 Nov 2017

Waiguru Wrongly Inspired My Boys To Steal 50m From Kcb Thika - Father Of Boys Tells Court

kcb, waiguru, thika,
Three men suspected to have been involved in the Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) heist were on Thursday freed on a Sh4 Million bond each.

Halford Murakaru, his brother Charles Murakaru and Julius Ndung’u were jointly charged with stealing Sh52.65 Million from the Thika branch.

The three, who were arraigned in court on Thursday morning, were also faced with charges of handling stolen property.

During the ruling, the judge further maintained that the three men were not allowed to leave the court’s jurisdiction without permission.

The accused allegedly gained entry into the bank’s strongroom after digging a 30-meter underground tunnel for months. However, they denied the charges.

Titus Murakaru Githui, 59, the father of Halford and Charles, stated that he believes, his sons could have been “wrongly inspired” by stories of corruption and impunity in Kenya.

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