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24 Jan 2018

32-Year-Old Man Hangs Self After Testing Positive For HIV

A middle-aged man from Wiodielo Village in Ndhiwa Constituency, Homa Bay County committed suicide on Sunday, January 21 after testing positive for HIV.

Esau Otieno Odumo’s body was discovered hanging from a rope tied to a mango tree at his home.
Confirming the incident, Area assistant chief Owiti James Omondi said Otieno developed episodes of depression after a medical report revealed his HIV status.

According to the area administrator, Odumo’s health had significantly deteriorated, and when his family members took him to the hospital, his medical test result showed he was living with HIV.
He further revealed that Odumo had been counseled on how to live positively with HIV.

“On Friday, January 19, Odumo had even accepted to take antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), which had been prescribed to him by doctors,” said Omondi.

But on Sunday morning, Odumo told his wife, Yvonne Otieno, that he was heading to the toilet, but, instead, went and tied a sisal rope to a mango tree near his home, and committed suicide.

 “His wife found his body dangling from the tree when she went looking for him after he took long to return,” said Omondi.

According to Yvonne, 25, her husband tested positive for HIV two weeks ago.

Odumo’s body was moved to Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital mortuary.

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