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1 Feb 2018

Miss Lang’ata Prison Set To Defend Herself In Court For Stabbing Boyfriend 22 Times

Ruth Kamande, the Lang’ata Women’s Prison inmate who is accused of the grisly murder of her boyfriend, will argue her case this month.

Kamande, who caused a social media storm in 2016 after she was crowned Miss Lang’ata Prison, will defend herself on February 27. The Star reports that she was to give her defence evidence on Tuesday but she requested two more weeks for the court to supply her with the court’s previous proceedings to enable her to prepare her case.

High Court Judge Jessie Lessit granted the request.

On December 13, 2017, the Judge put her on her defense, saying that the prosecution had proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused stabbed Farid Mohammed,24, twenty-two times with a kitchen knife.

In her ruling, the judge said after analysing evidence adduced by over five prosecution witnesses the court found that the accused has a case to answer in respect of the murder charge against her.

Kamande has since denied murdering her boyfriend on September 20, 2015, in Nairobi’s Buru Buru Estate.

During the hearing of the case, witnesses told the court that the accused feigned abdomen injuries to cover up the 22 stab wounds she allegedly inflicted on the deceased.

The accused is believed to have turned the murder weapon on herself, slightly injuring her abdomen before police arrived at the scene.

Prosecution witness, Hezron Otieno, a police officer attached at Buru Buru police station in his testimony told the court that the accused stabbed herself to cover-up the murder.

The court heard that among the exhibits retrieved at the murder scene was a card sent to the deceased from his other girlfriend in the US, a damaged mobile phone handset, and the murder weapon.

A landlord testifying in the case told the trial court that on the fateful day, Kamande had locked the door from inside.

Ndwiga Gatumo said it was around 8.45 a.m as he was preparing to go to church when he heard a male voice crying out for help in Swahili saying; “nisaidie nasaidie amenidunga”( Help! Help! She has stabbed me.)”

” I rushed out of my room and proceeded to where the man was screaming for help and peeped through the window. I recognised the voice as that of my tenant,” said Gatumo.

He added that on peeping through the window, he saw the deceased standing near the door to his bedroom.

“I was able to see a man shouting and the girl also standing in front of him holding a knife.”

“The deceased told me to take the keys inside the house and open for him but the door was locked,” the witness said, adding that he told Farid to try and defend himself as a man and even hit her breasts but he did not.

“I managed to break the window but could not reach the key, I could still see the girl holding the knife from where I was,” the witness said.

In earlier testimonies, the trial court heard that Kamande had fits of rage a day before she allegedly stabbed her boyfriend 22 times killing him instantly.

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