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1 Feb 2018

The only reason that made Ida skip Raila’s Swearing-in

REVEALED: The only reason that made Ida skip Raila’s Swearing-in

National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga’s wife was conspicuously missing at the swearing-in ceremony held on January 30, 2018, at Uhuru Park before a mammoth crowd.

The controversial ceremony which NASA termed a National event went into history as the day when Mr. Odinga swore himself as the People’s President of the Republic of Kenya.
playNASA leader Raila takes oath as the People's President (Facebook)

However, like other Presidential swearing-in ceremonies where the President is accompanied by his wife and other family members, Ms. Ida Odinga was conspicuously missing.
The former Prime Minister’s wife on Wednesday broke the silence and explained why she did not attend the much-anticipated event.
Speaking to the Standard, Mrs. Odinga divulged that she got a family emergency involving her daughter  at the last minute and was not able to ignore it.
Nonetheless, Ida assured NASA supporters that she was in support of her husband and the swearing-in dismissing speculations that she was against the fete.
playFile image of NASA leader Raila Odinga, wife Ida and daughter Rosemary (Centre) (Twitter)

"I was not physically present at Uhuru Park but I was with them in spirit. I think the whole exercise was done in an expeditious manner, with tension here and there. They had my moral support," she was quoted by the local daily as saying.
However, Ida was present during a private celebratory party after the swearing-in ceremony.
playRaila Odinga accompanied by his wife and close allies in celebrating his swearing in (Facebook)

Ida daughter Rosemary has been ailing for a while now. She was diagnosed with meningioma, a brain tumor that is not life-threatening but applies pressure to the brain.
The NASA leader’s wife added that Rosemary was recovering well and urged Kenyans to keep them in prayers.
During Mr. Odinga swearing-in his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka, co-principals Musalia Mudavadi and Bungoma Senator also snubbed the ceremony.
Though only a political statement, Odinga's swearing-in proved to the world seven significant trues.
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