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10 Aug 2017

Man Strips In Kisumu Over The Contested Presidential Election Results.

– A visibly depressed man has stripped off his clothes in Kisumu following the revelation that Uhuru is poised to win a second term in office

– Uhuru had taken an early lead that was constant throughout the transmission of the provisional results

– Raila Odinga had called a presser where he rejected the results as fraudulent, tragic and untrue saying that lawful results needed to be accompanied by form 34A

Residents of Kondele Kisumu City were treated to a rare spectacle after a man stripped off his clothes.

The man in the middle of the road stripped and started wailing all because his preferred Presidential candidate Raila Odinga was trailing in the election results.

On Wednesday, August 9,, while the presidential results continued to trickle in, Raila and other NASA candidates held a conference in Westlands alleging that the entire electoral process has been largely compromised in favor of Jubilee.

According to the NASA leader, the compromise of the IEBC’s database began on Tuesday, August 8 at 12:37 p m.

He claimed that hackers used the identity of the late IEBC ICT manager Chris Msando to gain entry into the IEBC systems and “created errors in the IEBC code server”.

The presidential results of the just concluded General Election are yet to be announced although provisional results show that Uhuru is in the lead.

Uhuru currently holds the fort at 8.1 million votes while Raila Odinga is trailing him with 6.7million votes.
According to the Opposition coalition, confidential data from IEBC indicate Raila has more than 8 million votes while Uhuru has 7 million.

In effect, the coalition demanded that Raila is announced the President-elect based on the figures that NASA has provided.

The momentous announcement of who carried the day at the election is expected to be made on Friday, August 11.

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