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19 Sept 2017

Zari Threatens Diamond After He Publicly Accepted Hamisa's Child

Not only because he admitted to cheating and fathering a child with his video vixen but because he lied using her name.
 The South African business lady is fuming after Diamond professed that Zari knew all along about Hamisa’s baby with Diamond Platnumz.

Taking to social media, Zari wrote “Haha you are playing yourself, the lies you telling about me knowing about your side chic. Try and fix your mess and stop with the lies. Me being quite doesn’t mean I am stupid. Be very careful with your words.”
She then went on to threaten Diamond with a lawsuit for defamation if he ‘tries her’.

“I may be the mother of your kids and that the reason am keeping the silence and respect. You might want to Google about ‘defamation of character law suit.’ Don’t try me!
That said I will pay no attention to this matter any further. I have an image in the corporate world. And that is at stake. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

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