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19 Sept 2017

Senator James Orengo Opens Up On Secretly Contacting Supreme Court Judge.

Siaya Senator James Orengo has spoken out on claims alleging that he had several lengthy phone conversations with the Deputy Chief Justice,Philomena Mwilu, during the entire period of the presidential election petition.

In a petition seeking to oust the DCJ on gross misconduct charges, Senator Orengo is accused of having called her on several occasions using a phone registered to Margaret Orengo, who the petitioner alleged was the Senator's sister.

Mr Orengo, who was the lead counsel during the NASA election petition in question, has since denied that Margaret Orengo is her sister.

Senator Orengo has clarified that his sister's name is Florence Adhiambo and that he has not spoken to her recently.

I have not spoken to her in years. Her name is Florence Adhiambo. Family used to call her Ndus coz she was petite and pretty,Orengo tweeted on Tuesday.

This telephone number, (number withheld) is the phone number that Hon James Orengo was using to communicate with DCJ during the petition period.

"The number is registered under the name of Margaret Orengo. She is an elderly and lowly tailor based in a second-floor stall on Luthuli Avenue in Nairobi where she is engaged in the business of repair of clothes," the court papers read in part.

The petitioner,Derrick Malika Ngumu, then went on to state the relationship between the two.

She is also a sister to Orengo, the lead counsel in the case in question. It is within proof that it was actually, James Orengo, in malevolent disguise, communicating with the DCJ using a number registered under his sisters details, Ngumu's petition stated.
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