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19 Sept 2017

Hamisa Mobetto’s Son Is Mine! Diamond Blames The Devil For Cheating On Zari[VIDEO]

Diamond has confessed on what transpired between him and Hamisa Mobetto.

Tanzanian Big wig Diamond Platnumz has been forced to eat a humble pie and apologies to his wife Zari Hassan in a rare confession during a radio Interview,.

Speaking on Clouds Fm, Diamond apologized to Zari and his fans and went ahead to confess that he is the father of Hamisa Mobetto’s child.

“Kikubwa leo 
nataka kumuomba samahani mke wangu @ZariTheBosslady na watoto wangu kwa makossa niliyofanya @DiamondPlatnumz (The biggest thing today I want ask for forgiveness from my wife Zari and my kids for the mistakes I have done in their life’s) said Diamond on Clouds

According to Diamond Platnumz he started dating with Hamisa back in 2010 but the relationship did not last long.  After hooking up with Zari, he met with Hamisa and started a fresh relationship behind the Zari’s back.

"Baada ya kuachana wakati, mimi nikaendelea na maisha yangu na mpaka naanzisha mahusiano yangu na Zari. Shetani akanipitia na Tukaanza tena kuwa na mawasiliano ya kimahaba mpaka pale @hamisamobetto alipopata ujauzito. Nilimuambia mimi ni Baba mwenye familia yangu. Inabidi jambo hili libaki kati yangu mimi na wewe. Sikupenda kuikana Mimba, ni damu yangu na kila siku iendayo kwa Mungu nilikuwa nampatia matumizi." – (after breaking up with Hamisa, I stared a new relationship with Zari, but along the way shit hasppned and we hooked up with Hamisa again. We slept together and thereafter she told me that she was pregnant with my baby. We agreed to keep the issue between ourselves”) Diamond confessed

He added he has never disowned Hamisa’s baby in public.

“I have been taking care of Hamisa and the baby since she was conceived. I bought her a brand new car to help her move around. When she gave birthday I was out of the country so I requested my Mom to go and visit her in hospital. When I came back I went to check on the kid and even spend that night at Hamisa’s place. Zari is not in any way involved in all that is happening in my life. Everyday Hamisa has been using people to paint a bad picture that I have neglected her child, but that is not true at all. It is was my mistake and will take care of It.” said Diamond
He also said that he had talked to Zari about the matter. “Zari has been asking me about the baby, but I confessed to her that the child is mine and being the understanding woman she is, she accepted the Situation has it is.

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