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19 Sept 2017

State House Official Reveals What Will Happen After Supreme Court Final Judgment

Chief Justice David Maraga with deputy CJ Philomena Mwilu arrive for the hearing of the NASA coalition presidential election petition at the Supreme Court, August 28, 2017.

State House official Dennis Itumbi has revealed what is likely to happen after tomorrow's full judgment on the August 8 presidential election petition at 10am.

Itumbi disclosed that after the ruling the election date will most likely be moved from the earlier announced date of October 17 to a later day, most likely October 26.

He then tweeted that the Jubilee administration did not have a problem with a change of date.
"26th Oct, 2017 is a good date. We can vote as we sing Happy Birthday to Uhuru Kenyatta," Itumbi tweeted.

October 26th coincidentally happens to be President Uhuru Kenyatta's birthday.

The Supreme Court's Registrar said on Tuesday that the delivery will begin at 10am on Wednesday.
Four of the seven Supreme Court judges on September 1st nullified President Uhuru Kenyatta's victory citing irregularities and illegalities in the electoral process.

"The IEBC failed, neglected or refused to conduct the presidential election in a manner consistent with the dictates of the constitution," the judges ruled.
During the verdict, the judges did not give a detailed judgment but said all the issues would be elaborated at a later date within the 21 days as required by law.

On Tuesday, Jubilee supporters demonstrated outside the Supreme Court following a petition filed against Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu and Supreme Court Judge Isaac Lenaola.

The petition filed by the Angaza Empowerment Network, accused the judges of being in contact with lawyers representing NASA leader Raila Odinga during the hearing of case challenging President Kenyatta’s win in the August 8 election.

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