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19 Sept 2017

Chebukati Suspends 3 Senior IEBC ICT Officials.

Image result for ChebukatiThe Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairman Wafula Chebukati has suspended three senior officials with immediate effect.

In a leaked memo sent to CEO Ezra Chiloba, the Chairman called for action to be taken against IEBC ICT Director James Muhati,Paul Mugo the ICT Coordinator and Boniface Wamae who is an ICT officer.

According to Chebukati, officers appear to have fallen short of assisting the Commission successfully deliver a free, fair and credible election.

"The Chairman as the National Returning Officer, therefore, demands that the following officers in the ICT directorate be immediately suspended in accordance with the enabling laws," part of the memo read.

Chebukati added that the move was necessary to not just restore waning public confidence in the Commission's ability to prepare and deliver credible polls but also assert the integrity and fidelity of the Commission to the rule of law.
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