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18 Aug 2017

These PHOTOS Will Make You Think Twice About Eating Meat In Kisumu County.

Meat transporters 'clean' a metallic box used to deliver meat to various butcheries in Kisumu under a bridge in a filthy river water at Lwanda, Kisumu East in a picture taken on July 31,2017.

With the unhygienic scenario on how the food carrier is washed together with motorbikes in dirty water, even after the meat has been given clean bill of health by the authorities, lives of consumers are still exposed to danger and cholera menace that hit Kisumu will escalate and affect many With the unhygienic scenario on how the food carrier is washed together with motorbikes in dirty water, even after the meat has been given clean bill of health by the authorities, lives of consumers are still exposed to danger and cholera menace that hit Kisumu will escalate and affect many if the standard operation procedures of handling food is not followed.

With Cholera posing a major threat to a majority of Kenyans today, hygiene cannot be over emphasised. But these men at Lwanda in Kisumu County threw caution to the wind and çleaned'this metallic box in very dirty water.

They later used the box to deliver meat to various butcheries in the city. How a motorbike and a food carrier are cleaned at the same place and using the same water is something public health authorities might want to investigate and take action. 

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