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21 Aug 2017

Tight Security As Uhuru Attends Sonko's Inauguration.

Security has been tightened in Nairobi ahead of Nairobi Governor-elect Mike Sonko's swearing-in ceremony at Uhuru Park.

President Uhuru Kenyatta is expected to attend the fete scheduled to start at 9 am.

Last week, Sonko rejected the Sh25 million shillings meant for the inauguration.

He instead directed that the monies be used to offset salary arrears owed to county employees.
Frequent withdrawal of services by contractors due to unpaid fees has contributed to the mismanagement of garbage in the city, a report revealed in January.

On Tuesday, Sonko assured contractors and suppliers that pending payments will be cleared as soon as he is sworn into office.

In a gazette notice, Sonko cautioned them from being duped by fraudsters who are reportedly soliciting for bribes to facilitate speedy processing of their payments.

"I wish to categorically state here that I have not mandated anyone whatsoever to either solicit or follow up on any pending payment at City Hall."

President Uhuru on Saturday met with Nairobi Jubilee elected leaders and urged them to avoid squabbles when they assume office.
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