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15 Sept 2017

Governor Waititu's Shocking Prayer that Everyone is Talking About [VIDEO]

Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu on Thursday made a controversial prayer during a campaign trail for President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election.

Addressing a rally, the Governor prayed for bad omens to befall all those opposing Kenyatta's presidency.

"God lead us...lead President Uhuru Kenyatta until he wins the election. And we pray that all those who want to ruin his victory and take away his presidency make them sleep and not wake up," he began.
"We pray that they diarrhoea from now until the election is over. So we pray in your mighty name," Waititu proclaimed amid laughter from the crowd.

The controversial prayer has sparked mixed reactions on social media with a section of online users accusing the Kiambu Governor of blasphemy.
Here is the video:

On Thursday, Deputy President William Ruto was heckled by NASA supporters as he tried to campaign in the Western region.

The visit by the DP comes a week after President Kenyatta received a delegation of politicians from the Western region, among them Mr Akaranga.

A similar fate befell Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua when he faced a rough time after Ukambani residents booed him and blocked his motorcade as he campaigned for President Kenyatta in Machakos.

The Maendeleo Chap Chap leader was shouted down by NASA supporters in Tala town center.
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