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21 Sept 2017

Jubilee MP Reveals Plan To Block Raila Odinga From Leaving The Country

Kimilili Member of Parliament Didmus Barasa has asked the national government to withhold National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga's passport ahead of the repeat presidential poll.
Barasa, who is allied to the Jubilee Party, claimed that Mr Odinga was likely to flee the country after causing chaos.

He announced that he would sponsor a Bill in Parliament to ensure that Raila surrendered his passport before the election.

I will go to Parliament to ensure that Raila surrenders his passport as he will cause chaos and flee. We want him here.The Opposition is likely to cause trouble should their demands to have the election postponed fail.

"The Opposition is scared and has resorted to inciting their supporters to take to the streets and cause mayhem," Barasa stated.

The Legislator further noted that his Bill would ensure that NASA leaders do not flee the country in the event that they ask their supporters to protest.

According to the Kimilili MP, NASA was planning to get the Presidency through violence and backdoor means.

They have been engaging in violence to intimidate their rivals and that should not be the case in the new dispensation.

"We should have a peaceful election. There is no need for people to cause violence in order to attain political office. This is why I want Raila's passport detained," he stated.

Mr Barasa made the remarks following recent statements from NASA indicating that there will be no election in October if their demands are not met.

Some of the demands the Opposition want to be implemented include; hiring of new Returning Officers in all the 290 Constituencies, the hiring of a new printing firm, and the firing of Senior IEBC staff including CEO Ezra Chiloba.
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