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21 Sept 2017

Not Yet Over! NASA Makes Urgent Demand After Final Supreme Court Ruling

NASA principals Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula

The National Super Alliance (NASA) led by Raila Odinga has demanded that IEBC offices be preserved as a crime scene.
Addressing the press on Wednesday evening minutes after the final ruling, Siaya Senator James Orengo requested Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Keriako Tobiko to immediately commence a probe on IEBC.

"@ODPP_KE should move fast and launch a probe. In our view, for all intent and purpose, IEBC is a crime scene that should be preserved for investigation," Orengo stated.

Despite CJ David Maraga ruling that no IEBC official was found culpable of the irregularities, Orengo warned that it was not the end of the matter for the electoral body.

"There will be no criminal charges brought against electoral commission staff, no evidence of wrongdoing," Maraga said when reading the full judgment.

NASA also warned that they would only participate in the fresh presidential election on October 17 if all requirements guaranteeing a free and fair poll were met.

"The Supreme Court has said IEBC can only conduct elections as defined by law, else the results will be nullified," NASA's lead lawyer warned.

NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga thanked the judiciary for the historic ruling.

"I would like to thank the judiciary for the historic ruling. The era of election autocracy must end in our country," Odinga said
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