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7 Sept 2017

Chebukati Exposes 2 People Who Hacked IEBC Servers [PHOTOS]

IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati has confirmed that the commission’s database and technological infrastructure was compromised during the dispute August 8 election.

The revelations have been confirmed through a leaked internal memo that Chebukati addressed to commission CEO Ezra Chiloba.

In the leaked document, Chebukati notes that two users, identified as Paul Mugo and Boniface Wamae, had created a username and password using his identity and had gone ahead to perform more than 9,000 transactions in the server.

He further directs Chiloba to take immediate action against the two individuals who he claims were acting on directions of the IEBC ICT director.

On Thursday, NASA presidential candidate resp0onded to the leaked memo where he asserted that it had vindicated the Opposition’s case that unauthorized individuals had compromised the results transmission system to create “computer generated leaders.”

Other issues raised in the sensitive document is the question of the transmission system for form 34Bs which the polls commission Chair describes as insecure.

“Explain why the commission adopted and used a porous files server system to transmit forms 34Bs instead of creating and using a secure IP address, which made it easy for individuals to manage accounts on each other’s behalf- a clear security risk,” the Chebukati demands.

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