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7 Sept 2017

US Government’s Special Message To Maraga

The United States Government has sent out a message of congratulation to the Kenyan judiciary headed by Chief Justice David Maraga over the handling of the Presidential petition.

In a statement issued by their Ambassador in Kenya, Robert Godec, the US government joined its Western counterparts in hailing the historic ruling that nullified President Uhuru Kenyatta’s election.
“Kenya’s highest Court delivered a powerful statement about the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary…the decision underscores the resilience of Kenya’s democracy,” the statement issued by the joint heads of mission stated.

The diplomats, however, called for the Maraga-led court to deliver the full verdict to assist the IEBC in managing the new election.

“The Constitution is clear, as was the Supreme Court: the IEBC will have primary responsibility for executing a free, fair, and credible presidential election worthy of the Kenyan people,” the envoys.
The statement also served to clarify previous reports that linked the US top envoy as calling for NASA leader Raila Odinga to concede.

“We have been the subject of fake stories and false attacks in this election period. We never asked any candidate to concede.  Instead, we encouraged candidates with complaints to go to the courts in accordance with Kenya’s Constitution,” the message read in part.
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