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8 Sept 2017

NCIC Issues New Statement on Action Against Moses Kuria.

National Cohesion and Integration Commission Chairman Francis Ole Kaparo has stated that the hate speech monitor is not aware of any distasteful comments made by Gatundu South legislator Moses Kuria.

In a phone interview, the NCIC Chairman denied having come across a Facebook post and a video clip that captures Kuria's scathing remarks against National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga.

He, however, assured that he would look into it and take necessary action if the Gatundu legislator is found on the wrong.

Moses Kuria has over the past week attacked both the NASA leader and his supporters through remarks he has expressed while campaigning for President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election.

Kuria begun his onslaught with a Facebook post which referred to the NASA leader as demon.
He went on to call for a manhunt for Odinga's supporters in the Central region county of Kiambu, an effort to weed out dissent from the perceived Jubilee stronghold.

In his latest attack, Moses Kuria uttered some shameful sentiments against the NASA presidential candidate in a video clip that has been shared widely.

In addition, the Jubilee parliamentarian warned the IEBC Chairman against excluding the ruling party during consultative meetings.
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