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7 Sept 2017

The Strange Thing Moi Girls Suspect Did In Court That Left Everyone Baffled.

Moi Girls fire

A form one student who is alleged to have started the Moi Girls school fire that killed 9 students was arraigned at the Milimani Juvenile Court yesterday.

The unidentified student was arrested at their home in Thome Estate where the police confiscated a phone, a laptop and a sim card registered in her mum’s name according to the Nation.

When she went to court her face was completely covered to protect her identity since she is a minor and her mum was also covered in a scarf ahead of the hearing.

Her mother was seemingly racked with emotion as they were escorted into court by female plain clothes officer ahead of the hearing.

And once the scarf concealing her identity came off, many were baffled by her demeanour in court. This is because there were no tears in her eyes and she didn’t express any emotions as her charges we read out.

Nation newspaper described her as ‘calm and collected’ and that ‘Her eyes darted between the persecutors and lawyers seated in front of her and the battery of journalists filming her and clicking her away.’

Following the arraignment, Children Court's magistrate Theresa Nyangena ordered that the 14-year-old be detained for 7 days as the police complete investigations.
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