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7 Sept 2017

Chiloba Takes IEBC to Court

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) CEO Ezra Chiloba has moved to court to block the commission from taking any form of discplinary action against him.

Chiloba, together with ICT head Jame Muhati and 4 other officials filed a case on Thursday seeking to stop the electoral body from interfering with their employment.

This is after IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati wrote to Chiloba demanding answers on what went wrong during the August elections.

In a leaked memo, the chair questioned why his password was allegedly used to access the results transmission system and why the satellite phones bought by the commission were not used to relay data from polling stations.

He also raised questions on why some forms used in the election did not have security features as agreed between IEBC and the printer.

The CEO will not play a significant role in the next presidential election slated for October 17 after Chebukati broke down some of the roles played by Chiloba's office and assigned those duties to a new team.

During the August election, Chiloba was seen as the chairman's right-hand man, even earning the title Chilobae from ladies who were blown away by his looks and how he articulated words.

Members of the opposition had called for the resignation of Chebukati, Chiloba and the electoral body commissioners accusing them of messing up the elections.

The leaders claimed that the electoral body was not fit to conduct elections and had even demanded changes to be made before they agree to participate in the polls.

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