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22 Sept 2017

Uhuru's Only Request To Maraga After Delivering Full Judgement

President Uhuru kenyatta and David Maraga

President Uhuru Kenyatta has requested Chief Justice David Maraga to explain how they arrived at the decision to nullify his election.
Addressing the press on Thursday from State House, Kenyatta termed the decision to quash his victory 'unsatisfactory'.

The Head of State noted that the court exonerated him of any crime adding that the court never disputed the votes as announced by IEBC.

"The Supreme Court nullified the presidential election on 1st September on the basis of alleged irregularities and illegalities in the transmission of results. 

"The Supreme Court stated that due to time constraint, they had not perused the tonnes of documents that had been filed, but promised to give a detailed judgement in 21 days.  How a decision of that magnitude was made without examination of some of the most crucial documents is, indeed, incredibly startling," Kenyatta said.

The president noted that the supreme court was lucky they were dealing with a Head of State who abided by the law.

"They are lucky they are dealing with a polite man, who respects the constitution and is not interested in seeing Kenyans fight. The supreme Court owes Kenyans an explanation on how such a monstrous injustice could have taken place," the Head of State affirmed.

According to the full judgement delivered by the supreme court on Wednesday, IEBC's failure to open servers was a compelling factor in the nullification of the presidential results.

The failure by IEBC helped debunk NASA's claims that the servers were hacked.

Maraga mentioned that chairman Wafula Chebukati mad a mistake in declaring Kenyatta without verifying all form 34As.

The court also questioned why some forms lacked security features.
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