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24 Oct 2017

" Delay October 26 Repeat Poll By 6 Months "-US,UK Tells Kenya

The International Community expressed concerns that the Kenyan political climate is not favourable for holding a repeat presidential election on October 26. According to the International Crisis Group, a conflict prevention organisation, in spite of this climate, the election must proceed.

 "Only Kenyan institutions can decide whether to postpone it or not. The High Court in 2012 delayed elections by 6 months which helped ensure a peaceful vote. The Supreme Court should favourably consider such an extension given the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chairman's own acknowledgement that the polling commission cannot guarantee a credible vote within the allotted time," said the ICG as quoted in Daily Nation on Tuesday, October 24

The group further called on Kenyan leaders to support such an extension and commit to participate. "Should the Court grant the delay, then it must be stated clearly that President Uhuru Kenyatta will remain in office pending the fresh vote, and that National Super Alliance presidential candidate will take part in the poll without additional conditions," added the ICG according to a statement seen by The Evening Post

Speaking separately at a presser on Monday, October 23, United States and United Kingdoms said it was taking time to broker a deal between President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga on the repeat election, saying only Kenyan courts can intervene in the matter. "Attempts to arrive at a solution with Jubilee and NASA leaders yielded little," said US Ambassador Robert Godec on behalf of the envoys.

"We have held talks with leaders from both sides. I can say we made some progress but I cannot divulge the details here because there are still some big differences," said US Ambassador Robert Godec who issued the statement on behalf of the envoys. In a few hours, 

Kenyans are set to return to the ballot after the Supreme Court nullified President Uhuru's victory in the August 8 poll. 

Despite the court victory, on Tuesday, October 10, Raila Odinga withdrew his candidature from the repeat election, saying it was the only way he could ensure a credible election is held in Kenya.

NASA claimed the election outcome was already predetermined as the IEBC and Jubilee Party were working together in secret. The opposition brigade also claimed that the IEBC is acting in bad faith by going ahead with election preparations without addressing the opposition's issues as stated in their irreducible minimum demands.

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