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22 Oct 2017

Donald Trump Reject Kenya’s Request To Extradite Roselyne Akombe.

The government of Kenya, through the Attorney General, had written to the Federal Government of the United States calling for immediate extradition of Roselyne Akombe despite knowing that she is a US citizen.

They cite their reasons that it is in the interest of the public especially at this time when the country has been bedeviled by a political crisis that Akombe should be deported to so that the DPP can investigate her claims.

Donald Trump,whom the letter was addressed to by the Kenyan government has responded by terming it as baseless and attack to the US citizens.

“No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,” Trump quipped.Talking to NBC,Trump has warned African leaders against giving the US conditions on what to do with her citizens or face sanctions.

 “America has now become a playground to everyone.The Islamic extremists,the Democrats,illegal immigrants and now African countries.This is absurd.”

Roselyne Akombe,who quit IEBC for fear of her life holds dual Kenyan and US citizenship.Akombe had gone to Dubai to inspect printing of ballots and took the chance to flee to the US from where she has been.

Source: The People

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