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17 Oct 2017

ICC Confirms Receiving Petition Against Raila,Kalonzo[SEE THE DETAILS]

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has confirmed receiving a petition seeking to probe NASA leaders, Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka.

Two Kenyans in the past week asked the international court to investigate the opposition leaders over what they said was ‘inflammatory conduct’ among other crimes.

Kenneth Otieno and Martin Nkari, chairman and secretary of the International Policy Group (IPG) respectively were alluding to the wave of violence being experienced in the country after the leaders called for the anti-IEBC demonstrations.


The petitioners have asked the court to probe the opposition leaders for ‘ethnic violence, mobilisation and profiling, rape, sexual and gender-based crimes, targeted aggression, violent utterances and constant call to violent demonstrations and call to arms.’

NASA co-principal rubbished the ICC move saying that the two acted within the law by asking for peaceful demonstrations.

He however noted that they (NASA) were not aware of the petition.

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