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17 Oct 2017

What Police Found After Raiding Jimmy Wanjigi's Home

New details have emerged indicating that the police officers who raided businessman Jimmy Wanjigi's Muthaiga home found seven guns.

Reports indicate that the officers found six Glock Pistols and a Shotgun after the raid that started on Monday.

Meanwhile, the High Court has issued temporary orders barring the arrest of businessman Jimmy Wanjigi.

Justice Chacha Mwita granted Wanjigi Sh50,000 anticipatory bail and blocked his arrest until October 19th

The court further warned the police against damaging his assets or threatening to arrest him.
The ruling came after the businessman moved to court seeking anticipatory bail on any arrest issued on him and his wife, Irene Nzisa.

He wanted orders barring police and DPP from trespassing and entering his private residence despite having arrest warrants.

In the suit filed through lawyer Jackson Awele, the tycoon stated that the DPP and police officers entered his Muthaiga home on account of suspected criminal activities in his home in Malindi.
"The raid has been concocted to embarrass and falsely accuse me and is meant to settle political scores," he stated.

The billionaire has been making headlines from Monday after officers from the Special Crimes Prevention unit raided a house allegedly owned by Wanjigi in Malindi.

The officers in Malindi led by OCPD Matawa Muchangi recovered five AK 47s and 93 rounds of ammunition from the house belonging to two Italians.

Four people were arrested who later revealed they had been employed by Wanjigi to take care of the premise.

Politicians allied to the National Super Alliance (NASA) read politics into the raid and believe the businessman is being targeted due to his links with NASA leader Raila Odinga.

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