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10 Oct 2017

Just 3 Years After His Mysterious Death, Mutula Kilonzo’s Wife Is Busted Doing These By Mutula Jr! So Sad Indeed


It’s barely three years after Kenyans mourned the passing away of Makueni Senator, Mutula Kilonzo than a family feud has erupted between Mutula’s widow, Nduku Kilonzo, and her stepson, Mutula Kilonzo Junior.

In an stinging email to his stepmother titled “Cruelty to Animals”, Mutula Kilonzo Jnr, who succeeded his father as the Makueni Senator, accused Nduku Kilonzo of neglecting the lions his father had kept at his vast Kwa Kyelu Ranch, along Mombasa Road.

“Mama Muathi, face the facts. There is no reason on earth and in heaven to treat these animals like this. The estate has livestock in Nakuru too. You have failed. Period! Your husband would beg to die again if he was to wake up from his grave to see this,” Mutula Junior wrote.

“These pictures were taken just recently. One of the starving lions is named after you. You don’t feed us, clothe us or do anything for the children of your late husband. What is so difficult with (sic) managing five animals?” Junior added.

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