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11 Oct 2017

Raila Reveals What He Discovered At A Nairobi Garage, Just Before He Quit

NASA leader Raila Odinga has revealed shocking details of the evidence he received from a Nairobi garage, just he withdrew from the repeat election.

In an interview on Wednesday morning, Odinga stated that he had received photographic evidence of two senior Jubilee officials walking in to a garage in Industrial areas where they were supervising printing of fake ballot papers.

The Opposition leader claimed that the Jubilee Party had compromised the integrity of the repeat election and planned to stuff fake ballots papers during the October 26 election.
“That is one of the reasons we withdrew. These are thieves and we cannot go to an election whose outcome is already known.

“If you go there right now, you will find the papers. What they wanted to do is fill them and stuff them in ballot boxes and say these are the votes,” Odinga stated.

The NASA leader alleged that Jubilee Party Secretary General Raphael Tuju and former Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir were behind the supposed rigging scheme.

He however explained that he had not abandoned his presidential bid but had only pulled out temporarily for the sake of safeguarding the integrity of future elections.

“If they make the necessary changes we will go to elections,” Odinga stated.
The former Prime Minister had on Tuesday stated that the IEBC should hold fresh elections following his withdraw, a request that the polls commission is yet to respond to.

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