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24 Oct 2017

Revealed:Akombe Was Involved In Intricate Plan To Force Coalition Government Between Uhuru And Raila

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French Intelligence has released damning information linking former IEBC commissioner Roselyn Akombe to a network of powerful individuals seeking to remove President Uhuru Kenyatta from power.

The France dossier shows that the commissioner who fled Kenya before resigning was working for foreigners seeking to carry out a ‘legal coup’ in Kenya under a secret plan codenamed ‘Operation Lawfare’.

The plan was meant to create a constitutional crisis which would have seen Uhuru share power with NASA leader Raila Odinga.

The architect of the scheme has been identified as a former UN employee Lord Mack Malloch Brown backed by a host of businessmen aiming at benefitting from business deals in Kenya should their plan succeed.

The Akombe document which is now under investigations by the local National Intelligence Service(NIS) indicates even the Judiciary and the IEBC had been roped in to force a coalition government between Uhuru and Raila.

Akombe was the schemers’ point person inside the electoral commission while Esther Nyaikai would work behind scenes in the Supreme Court to ensure the success of ‘Operation Lawfare’.

Nyaikai was the Registrar of the Supreme Court during the hearing of a petition which saw Uhuru’s August 8 win annulled. She was the one who was tasked with compiling the evidence presented in court during the petition.

“Akombe intentionally handed IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati a fake form 34C which he used to announce Uhuru the winner yet it lacked the required safety features,” the France dossier claims.
This then led the court to fault IEBC for using a fake form to announce the winner. 

The reports also questions how fake forms 34A and 34B found themselves in the IEBC file during the hearing of the case with fingers being pointed at Nyaikai. If it be accurate, the report lends credence to Uhuru's claim that Raila has been aiming for a coalition government.

Source: Madebe.co.ke
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