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23 Oct 2017

The One Question Uhuru Refused To Answer During Interview With Citizen TV Anne Kiguta

Citizen TV news anchor Anne Kiguta on Sunday held an exclusive interview with President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House.

The interview which comes just a few days to the fresh presidential elections touched on a couple of controversial issues surrounding the polls.

With the political uncertainty in the country, Kenyans were keen to hear what the President had to say especially after IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati admitted that the Commission was not able to hold a credible election.

This led to speculations that Mr. Chebukati will resign from the electoral body, allegations echoed by political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi.

This would be a crisis as it will come days after IEBC Commissioner Roselyn Akombe downed her tools and exiled to the United States.

During the critical interview, Pulse Live Kenya was alert to notice that Mr. Kenyatta avoided answering a question regarding Chebukati’s resignation.

When asked whether he was concerned about the exit of IEBC Chair ahead of the upcoming polls, Kenyatta immediately indicated that he would not comment on it.

“Are you concerned that he may resign during the election process?” Kiguta asked.
“I won’t comment on that. Because all I know and I can say clearly is that my administration has ensured that we have made no demands from him other than to do his job.
“So those are issues I cannot talk about maybe he can say. As a government we have facilitated to ensure he is able to prepare,” he said.

Kenyatta reiterated that Chebukati must prepare well for the polls as resources had already dispatched to ensure the same.

The Head of State maintained that despite NASA supporters, who are in the millions refuse to vote, the legitimacy of the election will not be affected. 

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