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11 Oct 2017

Worrying Details Emerge Of The Letter Raila's Lawyer Wrote To IEBC

NASA lawyers Peter Kaluma, Otiende Amollo and James Orengo consult each other at the Supreme Court.

Worrying details have emerged on a letter which was written by NASA leader Raila Odinga's lawyer to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Odinga's lawyer and Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma wrote to the IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati seeking to know if the commission had established the necessary procedures to prepare for a referendum in order to amend the constitution to divide the country into two territories under the NASA secession plan.

Under the plan, Kaluma outlines that dividing the country into two, Kenyans will finally be cured of the vices of exclusion, tribalism, corruption, inequities, impunity and general bad governance perpetrated by the Jubilee Government.

Odinga's lawyer further proposes the two regions be called the Democratic People of Kenya and the Central Republic of Kenya.

Kaluma cites article 5 of the constitution as the basis for backing the referendum to redefine the territory of Kenya.

"Do also confirm by return whether the proposed referendum questions and/or Bill could be expedited and proceeded with simultaneously with the fresh elections; to give those who would otherwise not vote in the fresh elections absent necessary reforms something to vote on," the letter reads in part.

In the last few months, the secessionist narrative to split Kenya into Jubilee and NASA controlled regions has swept the country following the proposal of the idea by Odinga's strategist and economist Dr David Ndii.

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