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17 Nov 2017

5 People Stoned To Death As Raila's Supporters Clash With Police

Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet has confirmed that five people were killed by stoning during the National Super Alliance (NASA) procession that took place on Friday.

Issuing a statement through the Police spokesman, George Kinoti, the Inspector General stated that the police did not use live bullets when confronting protestors.

We are aware that sections of the mobs accompanying the NASA convoy, looted property and five persons were killed by stoning in different incidences after having been caught stealing by enraged crowds.Two were stoned along Landies Road, two next to country bus station and one along Racecourse Road.

"Sadly, these incidences occurred before the Police arrived at the various scenes. All these incidences are under investigation," Mr Boinnet stated.

He insisted that the National Police Service only used tear gas and water cannons for crowd control.
"Secondly, we wish to refute claims that a vehicle in the convoy was shot at by an officer and reiterate our position that no live ammunition was used today by any officer," he added.

Boinnet directed anyone who may have been assaulted or lost property during the procession to report to the nearest Police Station for action.

The statement concluded with: "Lastly we wish to reiterate our commitment to fulfill our mandate of protecting life and property of all Kenyans, which we shall endeavor to uphold without fear or favor,"
The police explained the destruction was caused by mobs that accompanied NASA leaders,especially along Mombasa road, Outer Ring Road, Airport North Road, Jogoo Road and Haille Sellasie Road.
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