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14 Nov 2017

Heartbreak As Quintuplets Die Shortly After Birth

Ms Jacinta Akinyi rests after giving birth to five children at Matata Nursing Home in Homa Bay County on November 12, 2017. PHOTO | BARRACK ODUOR

The quintuplets born at Matata Nursing Home, Oyugis town on Sunday morning have passed on.
The bereaved mother, Jacinta Ochieng, lost two of her babies, a boy and a girl, immediately after birth while the remaining three- two boys and girl died at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital where they had been moved to for better incubation. One died on Sunday night at 11 pm and the last two at 6 am on Tuesday morning.

According to the health officials at the hospital, the babies succumbed to pneumonia and other birth
related complications before their arrival at the hospital.

Hospital Matron, Florence Ogero revealed that the deaths were caused by “disseminated cardiovascular collapse” which are complications related to the heart and blood vessels.
The matron attributed the loss to missed antenatal visits by Ms. Jacinta.

Ms. Ogero who believes that the loss was God-planned and beyond human control revealed that the children were born underweight with 1.5KG’s instead of the required 3.5kGs.

It was not immediately clear whether the bodies would be transported for burial at Mr. Okumu's Kachieng’ Bongu Village home in Rachuonyo, Homa Bay County.

The bereaved mother who is a casual laborer married to one Josephat Okumu, a cane cutter at Sukary Industry Ltd in Ndhiwa said that it would take time for her to come to terms with her loss.
"We still thank God in all this. We leave all this to Him," she told the media at the hospital.

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