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17 Nov 2017

I Don't Know What To Tell My Children - Catherine Gakuru

Former Nyeri Governor Dr Wahome Gakuru’s widow Catherine Wahome on Thursday narrated a heart touching encounter in their early life before he became the governor.

Mrs Wahome described the late governor who perished in last week’s grisly accident at Kabati area as a man ‘who never said die’ reflecting on how he used to cook ugali for her with her friends while undertaking her Masters program.
“When we first met, he was not a doctor academically or a governor. I remember that time we were doing master’s, he would cook ugali with liver for me and my colleagues,” Catherine said.
She added: “We used to call it ugali of liver. I would actually beat him in exams.”
Catherine Gakuru, a Human Resource Consultant, who spoke at a memorial service of the late Gakuru at the Dedan Kimathi University of Technology auditorium in Nyeri County, divulged that the two love birds met 26 years ago (in 1991) when both of were attending their masters classes at the University of Nairobi, and would later start courting.

“He would never lose hope. Even during our courtship, he never lost hope until I found myself in the ‘box’. I have never known him as a politician for the close to 30 years I have known him,” she said.
Dr Wahome Gakuru, 51, died after a grisly road accident last week on Tuesday near Kabati along the Thika-Murang’a highway. He died at Thika Level 5 Hospital as medics prepared to airlift him to Nairobi.
She revealed that Dr Gakuru was a no-nonsense man, as he could not tolerate mediocrity, and was diligent, focused and intelligent. The couple had three sons.
Catherine said Gakuru’s vision for Nyeri will not be buried with him, but will be realised.
“I can only liken my husband to a scholar who was given eight hours to cut down a tree but the scholar said that six hours would be used to sharpen his axe,” she said.
She added: “Gakuru had sharpened the axe and so it is for the leaders left to continue the work since he was only a custodian of the county.”
Meanwhile, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution led by DPP Keriako Tobiko refuted claims that the late governor’s driver Mr Samuel Kinyanjui would be charged for careless driving leading to the death of the governor. He clarified that his office will be instructing the police on the way forward over the matter.
Mr Kinyanjui escaped narrowly the grisly morning accident, which was blamed for ten tyre burst. Police have since stepped up investigations into the incident. The Gakuru will be buried at his Kirichu home on Saturday.
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