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17 Nov 2017

Worrying Details Emerge On The Plane Bringing Raila To Kenya

The NASA leadership has allayed its fears regarding the flight that their leader Raila Odinga will be using while returning to Kenya.

On Thursday, ODM’s Director of Elections and Suna East MP, Junet Mohamed raised the alarm and claimed that the NASA team had learnt that the government had made plans to divert Odinga’s flight to either Kisumu or Eldoret airports.

The Kenya Police has in the last three days clashed with the Opposition, which announced that they would organise a million-man crowd to welcome the former Prime Minister.

Nairobi Police Commandant Japheth Koome insisted that JKIA would remain out of bound for politicians and journalists, adding that the NASA leader could only be welcomed by family members.
Odinga will be jetting back from a 10-day foreign trip that saw him meet a number of important government officials.

He is also believed to have made stopovers in London and in Germany where he paid a visit to his deputy, Kalonzo Musyoka who has been tending to his ailing wife.  

ODM spokesman, Philp Etale, confirmed that his party leader would on Friday afternoon land in Nairobi.

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