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17 Nov 2017

Thousands Of NASA Supporters Attempt To Break Into JKIA [VIDEO]


The NASA coalition's threat of marshaling thousands of supporters to welcome their leader Raila Odinga on Friday went a notch higher.

A video seen by Pulselive.co.ke showed thousands of rowdy youth marching towards the gates of the highly secured Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA).
playThe situation at JKIA on Friday morning (Twitter)

The crowd has separated into separate groups with some seeking to use the main entrance along the Nairobi-Mombasa Highway while a separate group marched on towards a secondary gate along the Eastern bypass.
playThe situation at JKIA on Friday morning (Twitter)

Police lobbed teargas at the separate crowds but the youths appeared undeterred as they were still approaching the secure zone, by the time of publishing this article.
Here is the video

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