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17 Nov 2017

Revealed: The Truth About Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wife Pauline And The Exact Disease She Is Suffering From.

Wife of former Vice President, Kalonzo Musyoka, is surviving by God’s grace after her health deteriorated despite being taken to some of the best hospitals in the world.

Reports indicate that Kalonzo Musyoka’s wife, Pauline, is confined to a wheelchair and that’s why she has not been spotted in public.

Pauline was first admitted in Nairobi Hospital late last year at around December and since then, she has been in and out of the hospital and has made frequent trips abroad to seek further medical attention.

Sadly, her health keeps on getting worse, something that has greatly affected her family and Kalonzo Musyoka’s political career.

Sources at Central Bank where Pauline is a senior employee intimate that she has been away from work for some months.

When her son Klein Kalonzo was graduating from University of Nairobi, she missed out the important occasion due to health related problems.’
Remember Kalonzo’s wife and family in prayers during these trying times.

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