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14 Nov 2017

Leaked Menu Of Most Expensive High School Sparks Wild Reactions Among Kenyans.

A leaked menu of ST. Andrew’s Turi one of the most expensive private schools located in Molo, Nakuru County has sparked a wild reaction among Kenyans.
Kenyans on Twitter are having a rough time making comparisons of what they used to be offered during their High School days, with what students and pupils of ST. Andrews are being offered.

The Menu that matches that of a five-star Hotel has left many people throwing wishes in the airthat probably time could reverse and they get an opportunity of Studying at St. Andrews Turi.
The Breakfast Menu at St. Andrews will leave you feeling poor. Students at the posh school wakes up to Fried eggs, grilled tomato, cereals, fresh juice, baked beans and toast.

A launch meal consists of Roast Chicken with lemon n ginger served with maxim potao veggie moussaka, chocolate mousse. For dinner, Beef lasagna n’ ginger bread, matoke, grilled veggie and of course fruits only for Breakfast.
The Menu has been drafted in a manner that its subjected to changes every day of the Week.
This is not their first time that St. Andrews Turi is making headlines, as back in the days it was highlighted due to its current fee structure.

Full Menu of St. Andrews Turi

Monday: For breakfast, they wake up to Fried eggs, grilled tomato, cereals, fresh juice, baked beans and toast. Let’s be honest, most of us pretty much have this but this is when you have been working a few years. Lunch brings with it the joy of Roast chicken with lemon n’ ginger maxim potato, veggie moussaka and chocolate mousse, I know, Mondays are oh so boring. For dinner, Beef lasagna n’ ginger bread, matoke, grilled veggie and of course fruits.

Tuesday: Waffles n’ syrup, Cereals, Baked beans, Berry yoghurt, Fresh Fruits and Toast. Lunch is Fish and chips, paneer kebabs, pineapple crumble with vanilla custard sauce. For supper, the kids have Chinese style Pork fillet served with pasta, Leek n’ potato pie and Fruit salad.

Wednesday: Bacon, Grilled tomato, Cereals, Fresh fruits, Baked beans and Toast. For lunch; Braised beef served with rice
Eggplant n’ cheese frittata and Fruit kebabs. Supper is Turkey tagine served with pita bread, Black bean casserole and fruits.

Thursday: Chipolatas, Grilled tomato, Cereals, Fresh fruits, Baked beans and Toast. Lunch;Chicken drumsticks served with
Lyonnaise potato, Creamy spinach bake and Ice cream. Supper: Beef bourguignon served with chapatti, Mushroom stroganoff and Fruits.

Friday: Pancakes n’ syrup, Cereals, Fresh fruits, Baked beans and Toast. Lunch: Jacket potatoes with various fillings Pavlova. Supper: Grilled chicken with fried rice, Root vegetable, casserole and Fruits.

Saturday: French toast, Cereals, Baked beans, Fresh juice and Toast. Lunch: Meat balls n’ spaghetti with cheese, Bean ragout and Jelly. Dinner: Baked fish with turmeric, fried rice, Dhal masala and fruits.

Sunday: Cereals, Fresh juice, Toast, Baked beans and Tea /coffee. Brunch/Brunch. Supper: Burgers n’ chips, Veggie pizza’s with coleslaw salad and fruits.

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