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16 Nov 2017

Martha Karua Makes Disturbing Revelations About DP Ruto

Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua on Wednesday night vowed never to support Deputy President William Ruto in his ambition to be Kenya’s president in 2022.

The former Kirinyaga Gubernatorial aspirant stated that though she threw her weight behind President Uhuru Kenyatta, whose deputy was Mr. Ruto during the 2017 General Election, she would never do so when the latter vies for the top seat.
“I am being very upfront, I will not support DP Ruto,” Karua said.
Speaking evasively Ms. Karua alluded that the illegalities witnessed in the August 8 General Election, which saw the presidential results nullified, was meant to prepare a room for certain people to elect themselves in 2022.
“I think part of the fraud in this General Election has been perpetrated as a foundation for use in 2022. So in Kenya, if we do not address the issue of election fraud on August 8, 2017, General Election we have laid a basis for people to be able to elect themselves through computer in 2022," she said.
She highlighted that her support for Mr. Kenyatta does not mean she backs everything about the Jubilee Party or its candidates.
"My support was basically for President Uhuru Kenyatta. Though I supported a ticket that had two people my main support was for President Kenyatta," she insisted.
The former Justice Minister emphasized that electoral fraud must be addressed first.
She maintained that she was rigged out from the Kirinyaga race noting that thousands of votes were inflated to make sure former Devolution and Planning Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru won the seat.
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